Coy + Rica

8/11/2010 11:12:00 AM

We (the couple and I) go way back during our Marco Polo days (a local hotel in the quaint Davao City). So, when Rica messaged me that they want us to shoot their wedding we were apprehensive but exhilarated of the idea of covering an actual event. I tried to dissuade by giving referrals to other event photographers  in the city but she was adamant in having us capture their milestone and to top it all Cocoy have messaged us saying that it would make them very very happy if we say YES.

How can we refuse?

It was a truly intimate and touching affair with people who mattered most, there were tears of joy, lots of hugs and good food.

Thank you Rica and Coy for being our first. It was all worth it. :)


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