In the beginning...

8/10/2010 01:57:00 PM

It all started as a hobby. 

Armed with a dainty point and shoot cybershot digital camera and thanks to post processing software, I begun clicking the gadget’s shutter button to every moment I can capture from the crawling ants on my office table to shared moments of passing strangers.

My passion for taking pictures did rub-off on my husband eventually when we were invited by my friend to take their pre-up pictures. For him it was exhilarating to peep through the view finder and freeze that “moment”, while for me it was the sweet sound of the camera’s shutter. 

We want to share our enthusiasm in capturing moments with people who want to document their milestones in an artistic yet extraordinary way without being too extravagant. 

After all we are truly shutterbugs.


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