John & Bebs: Sand, Waves & Sea Wind minus the Sun

8/13/2010 03:52:00 PM

John and Bebs are Cocoi's schoolmates and friends way back in grade school. 

Good friends.

Bebs shared her thoughts and concepts for the shoot and chose the venue, the set was organized to begin with so it was a chicken feed :) plus it would be fun. So, we decided to meet after lunch since I still have my class (graduate school) in the morning (this is multitasking at its best). We took the scheduled ferry to the resort (Costa Marina), the day was cool but the sun was quite shy that day.

This would be a challenge.

We proceeded to start with the shoot, armed with a borrowed Nikon D60 with a Sigma zoom lens ( thanks to Ralna and Ralph) and the couple's cybershot digital camera, we dropped on our bellies and knees and threaded through the beach waves for the perfect shot even though it was a sunless afternoon.

After two outfit changes (for the couple) and a lost wedding ring (Cocoi's ring), we finally wrapped up the set.

Thank you so so much to Bebs and John for trusting us to capture their labing and "katorse" moments.



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