When things have to slow down

11/19/2015 08:40:00 AM

I rarely considered my pregnancy as a hindrance to what I do. Surely it came as a happy surprise; still life goes on. Plus a new blessing is coming in December and it's a girl. We, baby Maddox and I have a relatively normal 1st and 2nd trimester compared to my pregnancy with Unno. So, I relaxed a bit from worrying about my gestation.

But hard as I try, stress and excess hormones got me. 

Was admitted under close monitoring for three days...the longest three days I have ever experienced,thankfully the doctors and nurses were kind and made my worries easier to bare.

Spent two weeks lying on my back as instructed by the doctor and was vehemently reminded not to stress out...it was boring really, I was not trained for idle for long period of hours. Buuuut, baby and health comes first. So I have to comply.

I have to change gear a bit and constantly whisper to Maddox to hang on until December. :)

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