Life on Pause

2/19/2016 11:57:00 PM

Since my maternity leave, I have never had a long break from work. It is, I admit quite refreshing. Although I have suffered some work withdrawal symptoms, texting orders and endorsements...itching to open the corporate email...that kind of stuff.

I have to restrain myself. First things first, give the little nugget and kuya some TLC.

Now that my break is almost over (sniff), I am having these mixed emotions. 
  • Elation - because I get to sit on my office chair again  and catch up with work mates and project (yes, work excites me haha). 
  • Meloncholia - because I will definitely miss the little munchin even the diaper changes for whole 8+ hours. Also, the kalyeserye and ETC (yes, my happiness is sometimes very shallow).

I am not bipolar, but I am a mother. 😊

In my 78 days mini break, I have (finally) executed plans for the pinterest worthy home hahaha and I have rediscovered my OCD like behavior on mopping floors and confirmed that everything you need for your home can be found at Daiso 😊. With items that starts at 88 you can make your home like a million bucks.

I have also made time for personal projects like calligraphy and color books, i have to stay creative y'know ☺️

I thank God for these experiences....Now I have to get back on the saddle. ☺️

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