“TABANGI KO MA” | A Dutertard's Musings

5/17/2016 01:30:00 PM

The Election Season is over a president has been elected by the people. It was really a wave of mass hysteria and that feeling of swelling pride for the Davaoeños. That one of its sons will soon lead this aching nation to be great once again.

The following blog is written by my husband, inspired by a leader despite of his flaws has made our city admirable.

As written by Nones Anino

As posted by Ms. Edith Ging Z. Caduaya on her FB page early this morning…
May 10, 2016. President Rody cried his heart out and said “Tabangi ko Ma”.

This line touched me a lot knowing the Man is tough. Like anybody else, not all women become mothers but we all have our mothers. I know majority will agree with me that even how old we get, we always wanted our mothers’ care when we feel sick.

“Tabangi ko Ma”.
The line speaks of a tough man as he is often projected but with a soft heart. I’m no fan of dramatic movies but have to I admit my heartstring are often struck especially when the actors are comedians and barakos in real life. An entirely different phase from what we are accustomed to.

I texted my mama about this and she replied “kaluoy pud oi”. Yes maluoy man gyud ta makadungog hilabina sa usa ka anak nga mangayo ug tabang saiyang inahan nya nagahilak. She is in IGACOS taking care of her sick mama, my lola. She’s the first one who texted me yesterday “may ninong ka na na PSG coy”.

Yes, Mayor Rody’s security detail is my ninong, SPO2 Florentino Bugal. My parent’s buddy since High School days. This man brought me in the firing range several times. A quiet and humble man. No wonder Mayor Rody trusted him. And now I’m giving him the moniker the Philippines Steven Seagal. Just like the American actor, he is robust, tall, and has a strong command but he also exudes characters that are fit for heroes. He has great respect for authority and life.

The long wait has come. And to this “I’m-nobody-Man” turned into the country’s big shot will offer a governance of simple common sense. The victory is not yet here. It’s a long way going there. And I appeal to my fellow Dutertards to be patient. This is not just for us but for today’s seedlings who will stand firm in the future.

Last May 9,2016 was my first serious vote experience. The first one was the previous local election and it was an uneducated vote because I never cared about elections before. It was when sir Manny Piñol wrote a blog about meeting you with Sir Paul Dominguez after Manny Pacquiao’s fight in China way back and convincing you to consider the presidency come May 9, 2016. That was the time I started to believe.

“Tabangi ko Ma”. I already imagined Nanay Soleng hugging his son. President Rody it is really your destiny. And we the Dutertards will keep you company. Congratulations sa among pinalanggang Tatay sa Dabaw.

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