Creating New Adventures

9/01/2016 07:26:00 PM

Our firstborn, Unno had his first mountaineering experience. Judging from his animated stories and the absence of muscle pain complaints -- one can conclude that he has just spent his day at a local mall.
Are we at the peak tatay?

Off to the waterfalls
He made it look like a walk in the park, as his Tatay says. 

Unno had soaked everything in from the cold waterfall to a quick carabao ride with the locals.
Carabao Ride
Wait for me ninong!

But it was not all fun and games, they came with a purpose---to share a little to a Lumad community that is dear to his Tatay's heart. He was front and center.

Although he said he cried just because he missed his Mama  and little sister. But he said he will go back again when Dos will be 5 years old and he will be the one to hold her hand.

It is truly a milestone for this little boy and we are one proud parents!

We are not rich nor one of those cookie cutter parents; only thing that we can impart to our children are experiences and adventures that will teach them to be better persons.

I love you Juan Ramon Alfonso, may you remember the day you climb your first mountain for there will be more and you will conquer it all.

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