
2/21/2015 03:58:00 PM

It has been ages since I have read and (even) finished a book. Maybe because I got too caught up with work, school and momma duties. But after reading Fan Girl, my love for mind travel had been revived.) I call it mind travel just because every book takes me to places that I wish I could go.)The book was so engaging I didn't even mind that Cather was writing a gay love story for a fanfic site. I was even curious if Simon Snow books do really exist (yes, I have tried to google it). 
My love for the written word started when I came across Heidi's adventure, which was a class assignment way back in high-school. We were ask to read about it and come up with a 500-word essay for our Lit Class. I actually enjoyed reading her Heidi's adventure and started my love affair with books.

Now in the advent of all things digital, yes I have succumb to reading ebooks. Still, the feel and smell of those soft and hard bound books make me all giddy and nostalgic at the same time. Call me old fashioned and I won't make a big fuss out of it.

Every adventure always ends as to pave way to new beginning, I got this habit of re-reading the last two chapters of the book (just call it book weaning) just before it close it. It almost always bittersweet every time I finish these stories.

Reading books whether classics or a newest series always make me bear my ground. It makes me see things in perspective. Appreciate life. Thank God for good books!

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