Thoughts for the day

3/15/2015 03:02:00 PM

I always believe that we are solely responsible of our lives, or how we chose to live it. If you will will happen. If you are happy and content today, that is because you had decided to be happy and content. If you are miserable that is because you chose to. You alone.

There will be no Atlantis or Utopia to go to if we wish for a perfect world...becuase there isn't any. A perfect world that is. It maybe easy to see the cracks, the dents and the imperfection in every thing we see. It maybe harder to see anything good if you are hurting but try to see. You see, there is goodness in everyone. It is like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. You have to dig through dirt, tears and heartaches just to see that goodness and believe me it will be all worth it.

Try to see goodness in everything...surround yourself with positive things, insipiring beings and it will radiate back...a thousand fold.

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