Encourage. Teach. Love.

8/12/2015 08:05:00 AM

Unno's eyes lit up when he saw me take out the watercolor pencils. 

"Wow, what are you doing mama?" with his eyes shining with delight.

"I'm practicing, love."

"Pwede ako rin?"

Of course I said YES. Seeing him so enthusiastic about art is really encouraging. It made me think that we can be a good influence to our son. To teach him see and appreciate art and beauty is a privilege... he is blossoming to be his own person.

He is passionate about books and insisted that we put a place for his books in the book shelf. 

We encourage him not to be ashamed of showing affection. That saying I love you, hugging and cuddling is a gift to share to those close to your hearts.

He knows the value of his family and shows genuine happiness and contentment whenever we spent our weekends together.

As Khalil Gibran wrote: 

We can only encourage them to be better persons. Teach them the complexity of humanity. Most of all love them unconditionally.

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