Never too Early to Give Back

10/10/2016 08:58:00 PM

I was given an opportunity that was too irresistible to decline. To be part of  a teaching team with my boss in a grad school class for that matter.

I was dumbfounded and surprised that I was even considered to be tasked to teach to these group. A bit intimidating yes (as some of the students were professionals and business owners). On the back of my mind, I was scared as sh*t --whether I could deliver that was tasked to me and at the same time wondering if I would make an impact towards the class.

I hope I did. 

In my month-long stint as a substitute; I have learned a lot:

{1} You have to read tons and tons of references and cases.

{2} Sleep would be a luxury.

{3} 24 hours is quite short.

{4} Time management is a priceless talent.

{5} You can teach and learn at the same time.

{6} Teaching is rewarding.
Color Tokens
{7} Your Alma Matter will always feel like home.
View from the classroom (Ateneo)

If given a chance to teach again, I would grab it by the head. 

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